Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I looked at the calendar today as I walked into work (as I do everyday) and it dawned on me... I turn 30 years old in about 1 month. Where did the time go? Have I done all the things that I said I wanted to do before I turned 30? ... the answer is no!

I can't help but laugh as I type this, because in reality I know that 30 isn't old - I have my whole life ahead of me, but I can't help but wonder if I made some choices that I would live to regret.

Choice 1: Waiting to have kids - I hope that I don't wake up one day and realize that I can't have kids at all because I waited too long.

Choice 2: Is my career THAT important? - I love money as much than the next person, but Jamie and I work so much that we don't get to spend any time together at all.

Choice 3: I haven't traveled to any of the places that I wanted to see - Las Vegas, Hawaii, California, Paris, Italy, London, Japan (to see Nikki of course)

Choice 4: Not finishing college and having a bachelors degree - this one really bothers me... I have made progress though because in 2 weeks I will have an Associates Degree (I just wish my dad was here to see it!) But, I still feel like I need to have that Bachelors.

Meanwhile, my mother turns 60 in two weeks... if I feel old with turning 30, I can't imagine how she must feel!


At 2:57 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

My mom always told me the question we should be asking ourselves is, are we happier at 30 than we were at 20? :) Anyway, enough of my unwanted advice.

At 8:25 AM, Blogger The Easter's said...

That is a really good question!!! I hadn't thought of it that way. My early twenties were a very difficult time because I lost my dad when I was 19.

I guess that I should be proud of myself for how far I have come and stop questioning the choices I have made... even though I am still not sure that my choices are right for me! I guess time always tells...


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