Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Father-In-Law's Very Strange Visit

Jamie's dad has never been a part of his life. He left when Jamie was about eight after a very hard marriage to Jamie's mom (his fault) and never looked back. Promise after promise to Jamie and his sister were broken and it really effected their childhood. They struggled to stay in Centerville so Jamie could play football and get a scholorship to college. But, his dad never helped, he was never there. In fact, we went to visit him in Florida after spending some time with Nikki & Alan and he never even called Jamie after our visit... that was over 4 years ago. Well, while I was in Texas visiting my grandmother, Jamie's dad called him and told him that he was coming into town this Friday to get together with the ENTIRE Easter side of the family. This has never happened before and I have never met any of Jamie's dad's side of the family. Needless to say, Jamie and his sister are really freaked out by this. Here come the questions: What's wrong with him...Why is he coming... Why now?

Well, to make a long story short... Jamie has always been disappointed by his dad. He never had a dad at this football games or wrestling matches when all of his friend's fathers were there. I think that is what made Jamie work harder. Almost to spite his dad maybe. Jamie is a strong guy and will never admit how much his dad's let-downs really hurt him. Now, it is Wednesday and dad is supposed to be here Friday. No phone calls have been made since the initial contact 2 weeks ago. Nobody knows where this "gathering" is taking place or what time. I am so scared that his dad won't show up (he has done this to them for the last 20+ years). Is it just me, or could Jamie and his sister be in for yet another let-down?


At 9:10 PM, Blogger Steffers said...

It sounds a little odd to me that he has not contacted anyone since the initial call and he is supposed to be in town tomorrow, but I try to have faith in everyone (even after let down after let down) and hopefully for both Jamie and his sisters sake their dad will show up. Then again, I don't want him to show up for some stupid reason and get everyone upset or worked up for no reason. I pray that whatever is best for Jamie and his sister (and your sanity) will happed this weekend.

At 3:50 AM, Blogger Weinraub Family said...

Damn, I was hoping not to read this. I am praying that his dad does not disappoint again, but once a jackass always a jackass in some peoples case.
I will keep my fingers crossed all goes as well as can be expected.


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