Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bronchitis is Fabulous!!!

I guess a well deserved break was in order for me this week... I came down with bronchitis on Sunday and have pretty much been out of the loop for the entire week. For those of you who know me well - I didn't take to this "time to myself" very well. I missed an entire week of school (make up classes are not going to be fun or easy...), missed almost all of Tuesday at work, haven't done anything in the house (so naturally my boys are creating more work for me this weekend).

The funny thing is that Jamie has been calling me twice a day everyday and asking how I am feeling but then asks me if I had been to the bank yet, or picked up his contacts, or picked up that bag of dog food that we (really) need. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't he just call to ask how I am because I am sick - why would I have done any of those things with a 102 fever??? My thought immediately goes to the fact that if Jamie was the one sick, I would be doing EVERYTHING until he was feeling better... the fact that he travels all week leaves me to take care of the dogs (and with Leigh the CRAZY poodle - that is a very big task) and take care of the entire house by myself. So I am sick with a high fever and walking around outside waiting for everyone to do their business... sure while I am up I will run to the mall and pick up contacts for Jamie!!!

MEN KILL ME!!! Women make them this way - you realize this ladies! Moms out there with sons listen up! Don't do everything for them, especially when you are sick. That makes them think that ALL women out there are like this too. You will ruin them for all of us!
Love ya!


At 5:33 PM, Blogger Steffers said...

I am sooo sorry to hear that you are sick. I hope that you are feeling better soon. You are right that most women cater to their men. What would they ever do if we all went on strike? I am sure that the dogs wouldn't be fed, the laundry wouldn't be done and they wouldn't be able to see without contacts...boys are spoiled brats!!


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