Wednesday, August 30, 2006

My Father-In-Law's Very Strange Visit

Jamie's dad has never been a part of his life. He left when Jamie was about eight after a very hard marriage to Jamie's mom (his fault) and never looked back. Promise after promise to Jamie and his sister were broken and it really effected their childhood. They struggled to stay in Centerville so Jamie could play football and get a scholorship to college. But, his dad never helped, he was never there. In fact, we went to visit him in Florida after spending some time with Nikki & Alan and he never even called Jamie after our visit... that was over 4 years ago. Well, while I was in Texas visiting my grandmother, Jamie's dad called him and told him that he was coming into town this Friday to get together with the ENTIRE Easter side of the family. This has never happened before and I have never met any of Jamie's dad's side of the family. Needless to say, Jamie and his sister are really freaked out by this. Here come the questions: What's wrong with him...Why is he coming... Why now?

Well, to make a long story short... Jamie has always been disappointed by his dad. He never had a dad at this football games or wrestling matches when all of his friend's fathers were there. I think that is what made Jamie work harder. Almost to spite his dad maybe. Jamie is a strong guy and will never admit how much his dad's let-downs really hurt him. Now, it is Wednesday and dad is supposed to be here Friday. No phone calls have been made since the initial contact 2 weeks ago. Nobody knows where this "gathering" is taking place or what time. I am so scared that his dad won't show up (he has done this to them for the last 20+ years). Is it just me, or could Jamie and his sister be in for yet another let-down?

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Leaving for Houston...

Well everyone... it has been 10 years in the making, but I am finally leaving for Houston, Texas to see my grandmother in a few days. She just turned 95 years old on August 1st and my Mom and I are going to visit. I can tell you that I am really excited - BUT - I am also worried about the "other" family down there just waiting to grill me about my grandfathers funeral... Let me back up. My "aunt" (and I use that word loosely) was appalled that I left my grandfather's funeral before the burial and, of course, had no idea why I would do such a thing (or what an ass he had been to me all my life). My mom played it off explaining that I had to get home and take care of the dogs (good one Mom). Everyone - set your TiVo's because I may be on the news for kicking her ass. Why is there always drama surrounding all things that are supposed to be fun???

Plus, my mom is already driving me nuts! She calls everyday to give me the "update" on what to bring in carry-on/what to check (because of those f***ing terrorists), what time we should get to the airport, when I should leave Dayton to ensure that we get to the airport on time. SHE IS STRESSING ME OUT!!! If this is foreshadowing of the trip to come... it ain't gonna be pretty!!!

In other news... I start my LAST class on Tuesday! I can't believe that I am almost finished! Now I have to get serious about picking a place to work... more on that later.

I'll post again after I get back from my trip!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Bronchitis is Fabulous!!!

I guess a well deserved break was in order for me this week... I came down with bronchitis on Sunday and have pretty much been out of the loop for the entire week. For those of you who know me well - I didn't take to this "time to myself" very well. I missed an entire week of school (make up classes are not going to be fun or easy...), missed almost all of Tuesday at work, haven't done anything in the house (so naturally my boys are creating more work for me this weekend).

The funny thing is that Jamie has been calling me twice a day everyday and asking how I am feeling but then asks me if I had been to the bank yet, or picked up his contacts, or picked up that bag of dog food that we (really) need. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't he just call to ask how I am because I am sick - why would I have done any of those things with a 102 fever??? My thought immediately goes to the fact that if Jamie was the one sick, I would be doing EVERYTHING until he was feeling better... the fact that he travels all week leaves me to take care of the dogs (and with Leigh the CRAZY poodle - that is a very big task) and take care of the entire house by myself. So I am sick with a high fever and walking around outside waiting for everyone to do their business... sure while I am up I will run to the mall and pick up contacts for Jamie!!!

MEN KILL ME!!! Women make them this way - you realize this ladies! Moms out there with sons listen up! Don't do everything for them, especially when you are sick. That makes them think that ALL women out there are like this too. You will ruin them for all of us!
Love ya!