Christmas In Lights

First of all, I have to say that watching this display on the internet did not do it justice. I was amazing how the timing was absolutely perfect. The display is a bit longer than the internet clips most have seen. They did 4 songs total; 2 from Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Christmas Eve in Sarajevo & Wizards in Winter) and songs from the movie "Polar Express".
They have set up the display in the park like a Drive-In Movie Theater. Everyone pulls in and lines their cars up single file. You drive up to one of two displays that are exact replicas of his home and turn off your headlights. You are told (by signs everywhere) to tune to an FM radio station and the show begins. Very cool way to set it up. I really wish we had driven down to see his actual home like this, but we probably would have been stuck in traffic for hours!
Carson Williams has created a company from all of this hype designing light displays. You can see all the media exposure this has had and some of his other projects at his website: //