The Devil Wears Prada
Well... I got my birthday present a week early. Needless to say I am impressed!

Jamie got up yesterday morning and told me that he had to run "Errands" and that he wanted to take my car. I know that he needs to drive on the highway when he asks to take my car (his truck needs new tires). So, I knew there was only one place he could be going... Saks Fifth Avenue! I'll admit it, I was excited. Who wouldn't be excited at the thought of purses and shoes that cost more than their mortgage! (I know I have a problem - the first step is admitting it!)
So off he goes in search of the "perfect present". I also knew that he was going there because of the way he dressed. He put on "work" clothes on a Sunday to run "errands". Every time Jamie goes to Saks, he dresses very grungy to see if anyone will wait on him. The first time he went there, he had just gotten off work and went to buy my Prada wallet for Valentine's Day (I'm lucky, I know). The lady behind the glass case looked at him as if he were nuts. She gave him some grief, but eventually sold him the wallet. Ever since that trip, he does it every time. I think he secretly wants them to give him a hard time so he has a story to tell...
Anyway, yesterday was definitely a story. He walks into the store and finds the perfect gift. A red leather Prada handbag that his wife will love him forever for. He was in the store for 45 minutes before anyone would let the bag out of its cage and locking system for Jamie to even look at it. He kept asking anyone who walked by to help him and they would completely ignore him. Finally, a woman stopped to help him, but wouldn't leave his side while he was looking at it. She stood there like an armed guard. What was he going to do, steal it while she was standing there? Once Jamie had the bag in hand, he made his way to the register to pay. The woman behind the counter looked at him as though he had sprouted another head or something. She says to him in a whisper "We haven't had anyone buy that bag yet... It's my favorite! Who is it for?" Jamie replied "My wife's birthday and graduation from college." The smile suddenly left her face and she said "Your wife huh... Well isn't she lucky"? Jamie replied, "Yes she is!" She probably saw that bag and wanted to marry him herself!
I know it is a little extreme, but who doesn't love a good purse. I thought I would share my excitement with you all and show you that I actually can treat myself sometimes, even if it is Jamie that makes me do it!